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Frequently asked questions

What if I 'miss' a class due to some emergency?

I understand that emergencies are unavoidable, so I allow 1 emergency leave within a 3-month period. For planned leaves, please inform at least 24 hours' notice.

How many classes are conducted in a month?

It is held once a week , resulting in 4 to 5 classes per month, depending on the month

How many 'months' do I have to pay the 'advance fee' for?

1 month

What 'platform' do you use to take the class?

I use 'Google Meet'. The link for the class will be sent to you before the class.

Does my child get some certification?

Yes, I prepare children for the Trinity College of London exam. The exam is conducted via video, and they receive a certification upon completion. Click here to see 'Exam video example'

How much time does it take to learn piano?

There are levels in piano. Each level takes time to prepare and master. Check the 'Course Details' page for more information. click here

Will my child be able to learn 'online' ?

Yes, certainly. Since I teach them how to read music, there’s no need for the child to be confused about the instructions or feel that the teacher's presence is required. Check here to see how well they’ve learned online.